

In down time during a patient’s visit to HAS and Hanger Klinik they are invited to custom print images onto t-shirts to keep.

Special Thanks to HAS and Hope for Haiti for the t-shirt donation.

We’ve also introduced a new well liked design.

Haiti Heart

Haitian Lab Technician Alex Paul and German Prosthetist Wolfgang: creating prosthesis in the lab.

This kid moved too quick to photograph.

Byen Vini A Pasyan Retounen

“Welcome All Returning Patients”.

Glidden paint purchased in Port Au Prince from our friends at Innovations S.A.

 Molum is a PCAP volunteer who helps out with the project and assists patients in the mornings before he goes to school. His participation gives him access to progress his artistic pursuits as well.

Molum Painting.

A painting from by a patient visiting Hanger Klinik. When this patient got her new prosthetic leg she learned to walk very quickly and soon was dancing in the span of a few hours. We wrapped her painting in brown paper for her. Then she packed in the van with the other patients and was gone.


Finished public art installation.


Banm We! ( Let Me See! )

Here are some images from the past 2 weeks.

We boiled up some sugar cane and some banana stalk to create material for paper making.

Participants took turns pulping down the boiled fibers.

Patients are taught the principles of paper making.

Foreign visitors too! These therapists returned the favor by teaching the PCAP team how to aide patients with phantom limb pain to relieve said pain with simple exercises using mirrors. Very cool to learn.

Our trusty little paper press is still working well. After the paper is cast it goes into the press for a few hours and comes out nice and flat.

Final Product: Over 250 sheets of natural handmade paper from banana and sugar cane byproduct.

We’ve also been printing up some new all over print tees which have been in high demand here on campus

These tees have been flying off the shelves of our little gallery on the corridor of HAS campus: Galerie Deschapelles

Managed by Olcy Charles and Dieunet Doublas

The Gallery is doing a great job of working with PCAP and Local Artists to promote and sell culturally rich and beautiful products to Haitians and Foreigners alike.

While I Was Away…

Kerby and Elysee kept Philip Craig Arts Therapy Activities moving.

Lots of Silkscreen action.

Including PCAP’s first commissioned print job for Hôpital Albert Schweitzer’s annual party. Designed and printed by Kerby and the PCAP team

The shirts in action on the FanFa (Fanfare) Band.

The Viola Wheeler Music Therapy Project Band: Prestige played that evening’s festivities.

And from what everyone told me when I returned, the band sounded amazing.

Positive energies to return to.

– Nicolas Atkins

-Photos by Kerby Ifrene


Aaron and I also had the pleasure of recording a local evangelical group called: Ambassadeur

Yousgens Babylon who sings in Prestige is also a member of this 20 piece vocal harmony.

Follow the link to stream Ambassadeur’s Demo EP

Recording Prestige!

We recently had the opportunity to work with engineer Aaron Hachen and the PCAP band: Prestige, to work together and record a full length album of original, positive music.

Photos by Aaron Hachen

A Private Concert outside the Mellon House

Engineer Aaron Hachen prepares equipment to record the group: Prestige

Guitarists Moïse Pierre and Charité Anous

Group in full swing recording the track: SAM WE L-R Smith, Chrisianne, Valencia, Blada, Yousgens, Elysee, Hippy Mic

Every morning the group met and headed to the studio for the day’s session.

Moïse Pierre

Elysee got the opportunity to act as audio assistant on the recording project and lay some vocals on a few tracks

Group L-R Valencia, Don Blada, Chrisiane, Rony, Charité

Jonas Surin : Drummer

The sun sets on an inspiring album

please enjoy the full album: Prestige Ansam N’ap Avanse (Together We Advance) streaming at the following link:


1. Sam We- What I See –

A song about the current situation in Haiti and the artists unability to “go” or leave the country.

2. Kolera-Cholera

A fast paced song about cholera and what to do if you think you have it: “Run to Community Health”

3. Vakans-Vacation

The artists imagine an ideal vacation for two.

4. Fe Makak- Play the Fool

We all do interesting things to get by, Prestige expands on the subject.

5. Ti Moun Yo- Little Children

A song about the strife of Haiti’s youth and advocates for change in their schools and well-being.

6. Douz Janvye- 12 of January

The date of the catastrophic earthquake in Port Au Prince. “Thanks To God We Live On.”

7.Ankandreman- Extra Thing in Life

A song about the disabled community in Haiti after the earthquake. Avocates for community acceptance and community aide for those less abled

8. Jou A Rive- Day Has Come

A song for mothers on mothers day.

9. Bel Vwazin- Pretty Neighbor

A tale of one neighbors fondness for another.

10. Pote Kole – Stick Together

A tune about the power of community work. Ansam N’ap Avanse translates to “together we move forward.”

11. Lamou Sans Limite- Endless Love

a traditional Haitian love ballad.


Kerby works with the new industrial paper making boiler. Many thanks to HAS engineer Jimmie Tinsley for helping PCAP get the production level of its hand made paper to a large new level.

PCAPers work on three new public awareness billboards for the local community. More updates soon!


An enthralled patient waiting to be fitted for prosthesis, jumps up and starts dancing at the bi-weekly Prestige concerts.